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Does Child Support Cover Summer Activities Such as Swimming and Sleep Away Camp?

Summer is here, and for many parents in California, this means planning fun activities for their children. However, for parents dealing with child support agreements in Los Angeles, questions often arise about who pays for these enriching activities. At Harris Family Law Group, we often hear this question from parents in this situation during the […]

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If My Child Spends a Week With My Parents, Does That Count as My Scheduled Visitation Time?

When parents divorce or separate, one of the biggest challenges is determining custody and visitation arrangements for the children. In California, the courts aim to make decisions focused on the best interests of the child. This often results in one parent being granted primary physical custody while the other parent receives scheduled visitation times. But […]

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Does the Visitation Schedule Change Now That My Child is Out of School?

Summer is almost here, which means kids will be out of school soon. If you are a divorced or separated parent sharing custody, you might be wondering if your visitation schedule needs an adjustment now that your child’s routine will change significantly. At Harris Family Law Group, we understand this is a common concern for […]

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What Do I Need to Do to Prove Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have devastating impacts on victims and families. If you are suffering from abuse by a spouse, partner, or family member in California, you may be able to legally protect yourself by obtaining a restraining order. However, proving domestic violence occurred in court requires providing substantial evidence. For […]

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Am I Responsible for Paying Child Support Until My Child Finishes College?

Child support is a financial obligation placed on a parent to help provide for the basic needs of their child. In California, child support is typically ordered to continue until a child reaches the age of 18 or graduates’ high school, whichever comes later. But what happens if your child wants to pursue higher education? […]

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Is Child Support Determined During the Divorce Process?

When parents decide to divorce, one of the biggest concerns is how to ensure the children’s financial needs are met. Child support plays a crucial role in providing for a child’s well-being after a marriage ends. But when exactly is child support determined?   Yes, Child Support is Typically Decided During Divorce In most cases, […]

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Do Children in California Get to Choose Which Parent They Live With After a Divorce?

Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved, especially children. One of the most challenging aspects can be determining child custody arrangements. In California, like in many other states, the law prioritizes the child’s best interests. This begs the question, can children in California choose which parent they live with after a divorce? A Voice, […]

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How Does a Father Gain Rights to His Child in California?

The bond between a father and child is one of the most precious relationships in life. A father’s presence, love, and guidance are crucial in shaping a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development. In California, fathers have various options to establish and protect their parental rights, ensuring they can actively participate in their child’s upbringing. […]

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If You Have a Prenuptial Agreement, Would You Need a Postnuptial Agreement?

At Harris Family Law Group, we understand that marriage is a significant milestone in life and often involves making important decisions about finances and assets. One of these decisions can include creating a prenuptial agreement. As experienced family law attorneys, we often get asked whether couples with a prenuptial agreement also need a postnuptial agreement. […]

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What Should I Do if My Ex is Consistently Late in Dropping the Kids Back Off?

It is not easy to deal with co-parenting, especially when issues like punctuality arise. If you find yourself in a situation where your ex is consistently late in dropping the kids back off, it is essential to address the matter promptly and effectively. This comprehensive guide explores practical steps you can take to manage this […]

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