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Can I Post My Child on Social Media Without My Ex’s Consent?

Social media has become integral to our lives, providing a platform to share cherished moments with friends and family. For parents, it is natural to want to share cute photos and funny videos of their children. However, if you are divorced or separated, posting images of your kids online can become tricky. So, what are […]

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If I Think My Spouse Will Ask for a Divorce, Should I Hurry to File Divorce First?

Divorce is rarely an easy decision. Even when a marriage has been deteriorating for years, finally coming to the realization that divorce may be imminent is emotionally difficult and leads to much uncertainty. One common question our family law attorneys get is whether it makes a difference who files for divorce first. Many worry that […]

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Why Would You Need an Attorney Skilled in Same-Sex Prenuptial Agreements?

When planning your dream wedding to start off life with your partner, the idea of a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic consideration. However, for many couples, especially those in same-sex relationships, working with an attorney to craft a thoughtful prenup can provide peace of mind and help build a strong foundation for […]

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How is a House Split in a Divorce in California? 

Divorce is a complex and often emotionally charged process, especially when it involves dividing marital assets. One of the most significant assets a couple may own is their home. In California, the division of property, including the family home, follows specific legal guidelines that aim to ensure fairness. This blog will explore the intricate process […]

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When is it Worth Fighting for Sole Custody in California?

Divorce is tough, and when children are involved, it gets even tougher. One of the most challenging decisions parents face during a divorce is determining child custody arrangements. In California, like many other states, the courts typically favor joint custody. This arrangement allows both parents to share the responsibility of raising their children. However, there […]

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How Do I Transfer My Family Law Case to Another County in California?

Navigating the complexities of family law can be a daunting task, and when the need arises to transfer your case to another county in California, the process can seem even more overwhelming. At Harris Family Law Group, we understand the intricacies involved in such a transfer and are here to guide you through each step. […]

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Can I File a Child Support Claim if I Have Lived in California for Less Than a Year?

Moving to a new state can be exciting, but it can also raise legal questions, especially when it comes to family matters. If you have recently moved to California and need to file for child support, you might wonder if you are eligible to do so. The short answer is yes, but there are some […]

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Am I Allowed to Take My Child Camping Out of State for the Fourth of July Without Telling My Ex?

Summer is here, and the Fourth of July weekend is a prime time for family fun. You are picturing roasting marshmallows under a starry sky, the crackling of a campfire, and creating memories with your child on a camping trip out of state. But wait – you and your ex share custody, and you are […]

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Does Child Support Cover Summer Activities Such as Swimming and Sleep Away Camp?

Summer is here, and for many parents in California, this means planning fun activities for their children. However, for parents dealing with child support agreements in Los Angeles, questions often arise about who pays for these enriching activities. At Harris Family Law Group, we often hear this question from parents in this situation during the […]

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If My Child Spends a Week With My Parents, Does That Count as My Scheduled Visitation Time?

When parents divorce or separate, one of the biggest challenges is determining custody and visitation arrangements for the children. In California, the courts aim to make decisions focused on the best interests of the child. This often results in one parent being granted primary physical custody while the other parent receives scheduled visitation times. But […]

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