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Why Would You Need an Attorney Skilled in Same-Sex Prenuptial Agreements?

Posted on September 15th, 2024

When planning your dream wedding to start off life with your partner, the idea of a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic consideration. However, for many couples, especially those in same-sex relationships, working with an attorney to craft a thoughtful prenup can provide peace of mind and help build a strong foundation for the future. At Harris Family Law Group, we understand the unique challenges and considerations that same-sex couples often face when it comes to legal matters like prenuptial agreements.

The Related Laws and Protections

legalization of same-sex marriage

While the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015 was a major milestone, many laws and policies are still catching up to ensure equal treatment and protection for LGBTQ+ individuals and couples. Issues like parental rights, property ownership, and spousal benefits may be more complex for same-sex spouses depending on where you live and how laws are interpreted and applied.

An experienced attorney who focuses on same-sex family law matters will be up-to-date on the latest legal developments and how they could impact your prenuptial agreement and marriage. They can help you understand your rights, advocate for your interests, and craft an agreement that provides robust protections that hold up even in the face of legal gray areas and challenges unique to same-sex couples.

Clarifying Intentions and Protecting Assets

A prenuptial agreement helps outline each spouse’s separate property and financial responsibilities and determine in advance how assets would be divided in the event of a divorce. For same-sex couples, it is especially important to work with an attorney to create a detailed inventory of what each person is bringing into the marriage, including:

  • Property and real estate holdings
  • Investments, retirement funds, and savings accounts
  • Business assets and income
  • Expected inheritances
  • Debt obligations

A prenup can specify which assets will remain separate property and which will be considered marital property. Your attorney can also help you think through how you want to handle major purchases like a home or new assets acquired during the marriage. The clearer you can be going in, the easier it will be to fairly divide assets and avoid expensive legal battles in the event the marriage does not last.

Protecting Children and Defining Parental Rights

Prenuptial agreements for same-sex couples with children or planning to have children should include details on parental rights and responsibilities. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to complete second-parent adoptions to ensure the non-biological parent’s full legal rights. There may be additional steps needed if you use a sperm or egg donor, surrogate, or other assisted reproduction method to expand your family.

Your family law attorney can help put protections in place as part of your prenup to ensure both spouses will continue to have parenting time and the ability to make decisions for your children if you divorce. You can also specify financial responsibilities and arrangements to provide for your children’s needs and future.

Planning for the Future

No one enters a marriage expecting it to end, but taking the time to create a prenup that protects you and your spouse financially and legally is one of the most responsible and loving steps you can take as a couple. A same-sex family law attorney can help you:

  • Make decisions about alimony/spousal support
  • Outline each spouse’s rights to the other’s retirement benefits, life insurance, etc.
  • Address how you will handle legal challenges related to your marriage, rights, and assets
  • Establish frameworks for dispute resolution and avoiding prolonged court battles
  • Put protections in place for your children’s well-being and each parent’s ongoing involvement
  • Document each spouse’s wishes in ways that can hold up in court

At Harris Family Law Group, we are committed to helping same-sex partners build happy, secure futures together. We know that prenuptial agreements play a crucial role in establishing a stable foundation and ensuring that your rights and interests will be protected throughout your marriage and beyond.

Contact a Los Angeles Same-Sex Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

If you are engaged or considering marriage, we invite you to contact us to discuss whether a prenup is right for you and your partner. Our skilled attorneys will take the time to get to know you, understand your goals and concerns, and craft a personalized agreement that reflects your unique needs as a same-sex couple. Contact us today, and let us provide the peace of mind you need to enter your marriage with confidence and focus on building a beautiful life with the person you love.