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Child Support

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Does Child Support Cover Summer Activities Such as Swimming and Sleep Away Camp?

Summer is here, and for many parents in California, this means planning fun activities for their children. However, for parents dealing with child support agreements in Los Angeles, questions often arise about who pays for these enriching activities. At Harris Family Law Group, we often hear this question from parents in this situation during the […]

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Am I Responsible for Paying Child Support Until My Child Finishes College?

Child support is a financial obligation placed on a parent to help provide for the basic needs of their child. In California, child support is typically ordered to continue until a child reaches the age of 18 or graduates’ high school, whichever comes later. But what happens if your child wants to pursue higher education? […]

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How Does a Father Gain Rights to His Child in California?

The bond between a father and child is one of the most precious relationships in life. A father’s presence, love, and guidance are crucial in shaping a child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development. In California, fathers have various options to establish and protect their parental rights, ensuring they can actively participate in their child’s upbringing. […]

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After How Many Late Child Support Payments Should I Get the Los Angeles Courts Involved?

Ensuring timely child support payments is crucial for the well-being of your child. If you find yourself dealing with consistently late payments, you may wonder when it is appropriate to involve the legal system. The Harris Family Law Group understands the challenges you may face, and in this guide, we will provide practical insights on […]

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Does Going to Jail Stop Child Support Payments?

Child support is a critical financial responsibility that parents have toward their children. It maintains a favorable financial position, allowing children to thrive even when the parents are no longer together. However, circumstances typically change; sometimes, a parent may face incarceration. Going to jail can significantly affect a parent’s ability to make child support payments. […]

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How is Child Support Determined in California?

Child Support Determined in CA Child support refers to the amount of money a court may demand from a parent or, at times, both parents to pay for the expenses incurred when raising their child. Child support is often frequent in divorce cases that involve children under the legal age of 18 years, and both […]

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What if My Ex Cannot Afford Child Support?

If you find yourself raising your children alone, child support payments can prove critical. When these payments stop, you may face serious poverty and a compromised standard of living for your children. But what happens when you confront your ex about this, and they claim that they simply cannot afford to make the payments? What […]

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Who Pays Child Support if Custody is Split Equally in California?

At the Harris Family Law Group, our Los Angeles family law attorney knows that getting divorced in Los Angeles California changes our clients’ lives. First, one spouse — or both — must move to a new home, condominium, or apartment to accommodate their new lives. Next, they must determine how they are going to distribute their assets and […]

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What are the Consequences of Unpaid Child Support in California?

At the Harris Family Law Group, our child support attorneys in Los Angeles know that no matter which side of the financial agreement you are on — whether you are the payer or recipient — missed child support payments can create hardships for both parents. The recipient may struggle financially when he or she is counting on […]

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What Are the Penalties for Not Paying Child Support in California?

At the Harris Family Law Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know that spouses with kids have many challenges when dissolving their marriages, including determining child custody and child support details. The reality is, these two key factors go hand in hand. Once custody is established, the next step is determining the amount of child support that will be […]

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