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How to Get Alimony in California

Considering alimony in California When a marriage ends in California, the court may order one partner to pay the other monthly financial support. This payment is known as alimony or spousal support and is meant to help the supported partner maintain a similar standard of living to what they had during the marriage. If you […]

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What Can a Domestic Violence Attorney Do to Help You?

Domestic Violence Attorney in California Domestic violence is a serious and sensitive issue affecting many people worldwide. You may feel traumatized and overwhelmed if you or someone close to you has experienced domestic violence. However, you should know that you are not alone, and there are people whom you can count on to help in […]

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How Talking to a Los Angeles Divorce Attorney Can Eliminate the Fear of the Unknown

How Talking to an LA Divorce Attorney Can Eliminate the Fear of the Unknown At the Harris Family Law Group, our Los Angeles family law attorney knows how terrifying the idea of divorce can be to any couple, no matter the length of their marriage, or the reasons they are dissolving it. Even though we all know someone […]

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Can Kids Choose Who They Want to Live With During a California Divorce

Can Kids Choose Who They Want to Live With During a CA Divorce At the Harris Family Law Group, our Los Angeles divorce attorneys know how important our clients’ children are when they are making decisions about their personal and family futures. When spouses who share minor children are considering divorce, the kids’ best interests become […]

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Contempt of Court

CONTEMPT. Many of us have heard this term before – whether it was in movies or television, or in countless proportions in John Grisham novels. However you may have come across it, it is a word that you never want to heard brought upon you in real life. Contempt of Court, or more simply referred […]

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Mediation v. Litigation regarding Child Custody

As with almost anything in family law, the least contested the issue, the easier and less costly it will be for all the parties involved. Thus, the more issues the parties can agree upon outside of court, the faster and smoother the modification will be done. In California, any request for a modification of child […]

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Modification of Child Custody

When it comes to the modification of child custody, courts do not take this subject lightly. However, if the court believes that a modification is truly in the best interests of the children involved, they will not hesitate in modifying existing child custody orders. In California, courts like to see both parents and play a […]

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Child Custody in Parent Move-Away Legal Cases

When parties are separated, an issue that can often arise is one of the parents wanting to re-locate. Whether it’s to another city, state, or country this can cause problems with visitation and can greatly affect one parent’s relationship with the children involved. These situations are not only logistically difficult but also extremely emotionally difficult […]

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Uncontested Divorce v. Contested Divorces

In the state of California, every marriage is a binding, legal agreement between the parties. When the marriage ends in divorce, another legal process is triggered due to the nature of the legal action that the parties originally signed on for. California law requires every party to a divorce to follow this stringent process in […]

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Causes and Consequences of Domestic Abuse

What are the Causes of Domestic Violence? Domestic Violence can begin to occur at any time and many relationships possess underlying domestic violence issues and the individuals do not even realize it. One partner may feel the need to control or dominate the other, sometimes even subconsciously or unknowingly. Perpetrators often times feel a need […]

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