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Is Child Support Determined During the Divorce Process?

When parents decide to divorce, one of the biggest concerns is how to ensure the children’s financial needs are met. Child support plays a crucial role in providing for a child’s well-being after a marriage ends. But when exactly is child support determined?   Yes, Child Support is Typically Decided During Divorce In most cases, […]

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Do Children in California Get to Choose Which Parent They Live With After a Divorce?

Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved, especially children. One of the most challenging aspects can be determining child custody arrangements. In California, like in many other states, the law prioritizes the child’s best interests. This begs the question, can children in California choose which parent they live with after a divorce? A Voice, […]

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What are the Most Common Mistakes Made During a Divorce?

Divorce is quite common in the United States. While many individuals get through this process smoothly, others unintentionally complicate and prolong their divorce proceedings. In this blog post, we aim to explore the most prevalent mistakes associated with divorce and offer guidance on avoiding them. Dragging Out the Process One big mistake in divorces is […]

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Advantages of California Co-Parenting Classes: Strengthening Families through Education

Co-parenting after a divorce or separation can be a challenging journey, but it’s a critical one for the well-being of the children involved. In this article, we will explore the advantages that California co-parenting classes offer to families navigating this complex process. From fostering better communication to providing valuable legal insights, these classes play a […]

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Exploring the Option of Last Name Change Following Divorce in California

Divorce is a life-altering event that brings about significant changes in various aspects of one’s life. One aspect that might not be immediately considered is the potential change of last name following a divorce. In the state of California, individuals have the option to change their last name as part of the divorce process. This […]

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What Causes a Divorce to Take Longer Than the Six-Month Waiting Period?

Divorce is often an emotionally challenging experience and can even take a toll on one’s physical health. When most couples finally decide to divorce, they want to finish the process as quickly as possible. However, divorce is never finalized by just signing the papers. In most states, there is a waiting period between filing a […]

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If My Spouse Files for Divorce, Do I Need My Own Attorney?

If My Spouse Files for Divorce Against Me, Do I Need My Own Attorney? Divorce can be one of life’s most emotionally challenging experiences. When one’s spouse files for divorce, this may aggravate an already difficult situation because of the stress and uncertainty that comes with it. One of the worrying concerns during such a […]

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Why are Divorces Over 40 Becoming More Common?

Rise Of Divorces Among Couples Over 40 Divorces among couples over 40 are soaring. What was once an uncommon occurrence is now prevalent, leaving many wondering why this is the case. What is spurring the rise in marital dissolutions after decades of togetherness? This article explores the factors reshaping the dynamics of marriages among individuals […]

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Can I Move Out of the State With a Child After a Divorce?

One of the most challenging issues divorced parents face is when one parent wishes to move out of the state with the child after a divorce. If you are considering moving out of California with your child after a divorce, you may wonder if you can do so while abiding by the laws. This article […]

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What Can You Do to Prepare for a Divorce?

Going through a divorce can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for all parties involved, especially if you live in California, where the divorce process can be complex and time-consuming. However, with proper preparation and support, you can have a smooth transition and achieve a favorable outcome. Understanding the divorce process can help minimize stress […]

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